Fill in the following fields

Dear user, if you have time dependent payments (duties, fines, tax payments), please make the payments at least five working days in advance.

ՀՀ աշխատանքի և սոցիալական հարցերի նախարարության կողմից իրավախախտումների համար կիրառվող տուգանքներից և պատժամիջոցներից մուտքեր
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Please fill in the beneficiary's public service number (previously social card number)
Please fill in the fullname of the person for whom you are making the payment
Please, fill in the e-mail address at which you want to receive the payment receipt (including the 20 digit PIN).
The amount of money paid for this transaction in AMD.

This is the service charge which is charged to the user by the servicing bank/company.

Payment method
